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Live Action Role Play

Live Action Role Play (in short: LARP) involves a form of improvisation theater that evolved from pen & paper role-playing games. LARPs usually take place at suitable locations (such as castles) and the players wear appropriate costumes (garments). They do not perform for an audience, but rather seek to have fun amongst themselves. A team of organizers prepares the event and provides the outlines of the plot, while volunteers, acting as extras, assist in bringing the world to life.

Rather akin to a murder mystery party, each attendee assumes a role that fits the theme of the game. Usually the players (LARPers) create these roles according to a set of rules codifying in-game skills and traits, equip them with clothing, and compose a background story for them. The resulting characters act freely within the game, and their actions will also decide the outcome of the story.

Live Action Role Play as a “vacation from oneself”

While people from all walks of life and of various ages attend LARP events, their reasons for doing so are often quite similar. Whether they take on ambitious roles or fancy adventures and showpiece fights, want to solve puzzles, or just want to enjoy the ambience: Live Action Role Play allows participants to detach themselves from their daily routines and reevaluate their everyday lives with new-found objectivity. Furthermore, certain aspects of role-playing can be used as an effective means for personal growth and development, which is why LARP elements are more and more frequently employed in youth education and pedagogy. In Scandinavia, they even have been incorporated into academic teaching methods.

Live Action Role Play for children and families

LARP offers a great deal of potential—especially for children. Due to the fact that Live Action Role Play is a group activity, children can easily make friends through these games and strengthen these bonds through collective experiences. A lot of LARP events offer special accommodations and activities for children, thus allowing the parents their well-deserved relaxation time as well. Quite a lot of these events are held on campgrounds on meadows and in forests, so the kids get plenty of exercise and can experience nature up close.


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